Your support helps every aspect of the orchestra's work.
Play On and our Friends Membership programmes support our vital core operational costs, the costs that underpin all our activity. This support makes our concert series possible, enabling our exceptional players to perform and take part in our Learning & Participation programmes. It helps pay for venues, rehearsals, and the management team that supports our players. For guest collaborators, commissions, and recordings. For tours, schools and community programmes…the list goes on.
Our Chair Partners programme gives an opportunity to get even closer to the orchestra and direct your support towards a particular player.
Our Sinfonia Circle is for major donors who can choose to direct their support towards a particular aspect of our work, such as Learning & Participation, Commissions, Concerts, Touring, Recordings etc
All our programmes will offer you the opportunity to get to know the players better, and join a warm and friendly group of likeminded supporters at concerts and Supporter events throughout the year.
Please explore our various support programmes to find out more, or if you have any questions, do contact our Development team at
Watch a film about our residency in Thetford
Thank you
We are grateful to all of our generous supporters, from individual donors to trusts and foundations and corporate partnerships. We highly value these associations and are thankful for each and every relationship created.
Trusts and Foundations
The Behrens Foundation
Cockayne Foundation
Foyle Foundation
James & Meghan Lingard Foundation
John Jarrold Trust
The Marchus Trust
Michael Williamson Trust
Finlay & Kathryn Ross Trust
Patrick Rowland Foundation
Paul Bassham Charitable Trust
PRS Foundation
Vaughan Williams Foundation
The Woolbeding Charity
plus anonymous trusts and foundations

Public funders
Cambridgeshire Music Partnership
Norfolk & Norwich Festival Bridge
Norfolk Music Hub
Peterborough Music Partnership
Individual donors
Sinfonia Circle
Dr Claire Barlow & Prof Jim Woodhouse
Lynn Biggs
Trevor Fenwick
David Griffiths
Meredith Lloyd-Evans
Barry & Ann Scrutton
Dr Peter Stephenson
Chair Partners
Anna & Kamal Ahuja
Lord Archer
Dame Mary Archer DBE
Delia Broke
Nicholas and Caroline Dixey
Hamish and Sophie Forsyth
Elizabeth Goodchild
Patrick Meehan
Richard Plaskett
Jill Rawlinson
Penelope Robson
Barry and Ann Scrutton
Janis Susskind OBE
Andrew and Jane Sutton
Andrew and Rosemary Tusa
Richard and Fiona Walford
Dr Alison and Richard Ball
Dr Richard Blackford
Stephen and Stephanie Bourne
Duncan Clubb
Nicholas and Caroline Dixey
Michael Fowler
Ian Howat
Rob Hammond & Charlotte Sankey
Graham Ingham & Jonathan Birt
Susan May
Sue and Frank Paice
Garth and Lucy Pollard
Joe Smouha
Dr Peter Stephenson
Pete Walton
Gold Friends
Chris & Mary Ash
Sarah Knights & Tony Barnett
Ted Burton
Susan Costello
Charlotte & James Fowler
Emily Fletcher
Roger Rowe
Brian Elias
Adrienne Page KC
plus anonymous donors
Silver Friends
Dr Paul A Sackin
Jeremy Allen
Bob Allies
Mary Anne Sutherland
Edward and Sarah Armitage
Ariane Bankes
Sarah Bradfield
David Brief
Tony and Mary Britten
Josephine Burns
Susan & Tim Burton
John Ceybird
Alison Clarke
Anna Crookes
Dennis Davis
Miriam and Peter Elston
Helen Fairfoul OBE & Robert Letham
Peter and Mary Feeney
Sarah & Simon Garnier
Sally Groves
Dr Anna Guy
Nigel & Alison Hall
Maureen Hanke
John Harris
Louise Heley
Mike Holley
Alan Holmes
Richard Hopkin
John & Frances Howard
Oliver King
Arabella Lee
Susan Maddock
Dr Colin Matthews
Elaine McAdam
Michael & Patricia McLaren-Turner
Elizabeth Miles
Rod Mills & Wendy Cleary
John Robins & Patricia Morison
Ivan and Mary Moseley
Guy Norton
Linda Pennell
Sylvie Pierce
Dave Plummer & Lesley Whitby
Dr Peter Poore OBE and Hilary Belchak
Cheryl Pusey
Ruth Rattenbury
Ben Rayfield
Alan Sainer
Keith Salway
Angela Skinner
Sonia Stevenson
Michael Stone
Philip Stone
Michael Suggate
Geoff Thompson
Christine & Peter Wall
Kay Warbrick
Merlin & Imogen Waterson
Christine Webber
Colin Willis
Sally & Paddy Wilson
Christine Wilson
Ka Yuen Eunice Tai
plus anonymous donors
Bronze Friends
John Abraham
James & Fan Arthur
Melanie Aurnhammer
Clive & Elizabeth Bandy
Prof Dame Gillian Beer
Michelle Berridale-Johnson
Michael Bishop
Hugh and Caroline Boileau
Anthony & Barbara Butcher
Peter and Manda Callf
Ann Curran
Jo Curry
Haydn Downey
Andrew Duff
Tina Facer
Christine J Ferris
Sarah Gilmore
Norman Greenhill
Gilli Haarhoff
Diana Haines
Davina Hampson
Rev David Hares
Ruth Harmer
Dr Peter Harrison
Craig Hartley
Peter Hayes
Nick Heath
Paul A Jackson
Rosie Johnson MBE
Simon Jones
Michael King
Peter and Sally Lawson
Shaun Lincoln
Dr Anna & Alistair Lipp
Mark & Roz Little
Pauline Mantripp
David Martin
Linda McFarlane
Dr Andrew Moore
Moira Morrissey
Howard Phillips
Susan Pyke
Dr Kath Richmond
Richard Salmon
John Sennitt & Bo Williams
Wendy Sharman
Graham Shorter
Mavis Speedy
Jason Streets
Euan Sutherland
Iwan Thomas
Anne Tidmarsh
Richard Tonry
Elisabeth Traverse
Gerald & Janet Watson
Tony Watts
Bo Williams
Garth Wilson
Clare Wilson
Harriet Wybor
plus anonymous donors
Britten Sinfonia is registered with the Fundraising Regulator, and supports their code of being legal, open, honest and respectful in all our fundraising practices.
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